Thursday, September 30, 2010

Alive in Equador

and well, for now, in Equador.  We are in a small town, not in Guayaquil or Quito.  It´s safe, mountainous and gorgeous.  If you guys don´t know why we are posting this, it´s because you haven´t seen the news.  Apparently there is some civil unrest in Equador.  Here is a NYTimes article about it:  The State department is recommending we stay where we are at and since Colombia and Peru have closed their borders and the International airport in Quito has been shut down by the air force, we figured that is a pretty good idea. We´ll be checkin the internets regularly, but any information you hear about this, we would love a forward.  Hope all is well back home and that civil unrest is kept to equatorial lines. 

(If some of you are confused that we are in Ecuador, it´s because we are, as always, behind on the blog.  We just got here a few days ago and just might be leaving as soon as possible.)

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad i'm hearing about this after the fact and with the knowledge that there are like 4 or 5 more posts for me to read that represent what happened after you posted this. it's like watching downloaded episodes of dexter season 2. even in the tense moments i can relax because i know there's two more seasons for downloading. looking forward to your next episode(s) ...
