Salt Flats at sunset.
Widely acclaimed as one of South Americas most impressive sights, I'm going to agree, but with a giant asterisk, two in fact:
One being I have not seen all of SA, thus cannot verify this general claim. And two, there is a fatal flaw. The way in which the general backpacker populace views this phenomenal landscape is the same way in which one would experience the zoo if you were a caged animal, from the inside out.
We spent three days touring the solar de Uyuni. But, in actuality we spent three days in a Land Rover (yes, to my unending surprise they have Land Rovers aplenty in touristic Bolivia).
How to describe the Solar? A land devoid of anything but tourist and salt. An endless reach of salt, lacking in total perspective outside of the occasional pyramid-like heap set aside for the purpose of salt production, or rather, salt harvesting. Nothing grows, nothing lives. A place where truly only starkness, sun and salt reside. This fact alone makes it unique and forces you into some contemplative stare, or would, except you are trapped in a vehicle speeding across a wasteland incapable of sustaining life, but filled with tourist and Bolivians yapping away.
It's no surprise that this desert, this wonderland of natural beauty, was the inspiration behind many a Dali painting (our tour company's name: Dali Tours), but I will bet that he did not witness it through a Toyota manufactured lens.
The Solar and its surrounding area is definitely one of the most beautiful placed we've seen, we thoroughly enjoyed every 30 minute stop and accompanying photo op and we even enjoyed our carfull of traveling companions. But the way to see such places, the only way to truly know them, is not in carfulls, but by your own two feet.
[Note: Apparently, in places, the salt reaches up to 12m in depth. That's a lot of salt.]
Without further ado, our snap-tour journey through the land of Salt, Sun and Stars:
Text for UYUNI....
Nothing PG comes to mind... |
Squish. |
Be quiet or I´ll eat you. |
New meaning to Moustache Ride? |
Rock on? Given the boot? I hate Dickers? |
I am the Buddha, cu-cu-ca-choo. |
My shadow finds me irresistible. |
Lady Justice. |
A Three Part Series:
Good Day, Bad Day...
Great Day!
Get. Off. My. Hand.
The Salar de Uyuni is the largest salt flats in the world located in Bolivia.It covers a surface of 10.582 Km2 and 3.653 meters above sea level.
ReplyDeleteI am really starting to like this virginia bed and breakfast character. A wealth of information.
ReplyDeleteFact: Virginia is for Lovers
ReplyDeleteFact: People who post on personal blogs promoting their company may be chemically imbalanced (or just really cheap).
Fact: Their B&B is only 8th of 15 located in Luray, VA on trip advisor. If you can't compete in Luray, VA how can you keep up with Maifestdestino!
FUN WITH PHOTOSHOP!! enjoyed all the pics :)
ReplyDeleteget a haircut hippie.
ReplyDeleteYou guys have had some amazing pictures on this blog but these might just be my favorite
ReplyDeleteFACT: Virginia Bed and Breakfast has yet to give us one dirty cent. But, they do appear to be wealthy full of information, though dubious it may be.
ReplyDeleteFACT: If we do make it to Luray, VA we are planning on redeeming this atrocity of free advertising.
FACT: Spence, already done. Unfortunately two days later someone began speaking to me in French, so I´m thinking about growing the hair back out to prevent any future confusion.
FACT: I´m no francophile.
FACT: Will Harris is my favorite Will Harris in the world.
FACT: No pictures on this blog have been photoshopped. 100% au natural...I mean, all natural.
oh! i loved uyuni! what a dreamy place, it was my favorite three days in s.a. did you like the island of giant cactus?