Thursday, July 29, 2010


This is a picture we took of a tree in the Amazon Jungle.  To the winner goes an EXTRAORDINARY souvenir.  Contest ends Monday night, so get your entry into the comments section as soon as possible.  Good luck, creative thinkers.

EXTENSION: Due to a lack of responses we are extending the deadline until Tuesday night. Likewise, if you don't want your name attached to this type of scandalousness, email me at with your caption. For those two who have respnded, excellent work.

P.S. Don't feel like it has to revolve around us, anything will suffice.
P.P.S. The postings begin this evening, so scroll down for new post and/or caption contest results.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. if only beth had known that in the amazon tree-hugging is considered foreplay ....

  3. hot jungle love, vegetarian-style

  4. Dickers sat and contemplated the purple-headed warrior tree that suddenly left him feeling unworthy of his nickname...

  5. it appears that something was lost in translation, for when beth tried to explain 'vegetarian' to her jungle guide using broken portuguese and charades he gave jason a sympathetic look and led beth here.

  6. A rare sighting of the morning wood tree.

  7. Who knew the Amazon was Jewish??

  8. Imagine having to get a circumcision with a chain saw...

  9. you thought brazil was only noteworthy for its nuts?

  10. jason liked to think he was hung like a socratea exorrhiza, and beth found it easiest to just smile and agree with him.

  11. i guess mother nature is a milf.

  12. Ever made love to a tree? Want to?

  13. A nymphomaniac dendrophobic's ultimate tough decision.

  14. Multiple entries under 1 post:

    1) The organic penis

    2) *Shudders*...not to be confused with the female tree

    3) The prototype for the new Magnum Condoms that will be sold worldwide (except in Asian countries)

    4) For all the ladies out there...this trock (tree + cock) would be an excellent if you wanted to feel like a born again virgin. It'll hurt and make you bleed just like your first time.

    5. This tree definitely has some black in him.

    Yes..I went there.

  15. after contemplating the beauty of nature in the amazon rain forest, jason felt moved to pursue a career as a poet.
